These functions complement dict_mutators, dict_recombinators, dict_selectors with functions in the spirit of mlr3::mlr_sugar.

mut(.key, ...)

muts(.keys, ...)

rec(.key, ...)

recs(.key, ...)

sel(.key, ...)

sels(.key, ...)

scl(.key, ...)

scls(.key, ...)

ftr(.key, ...)

ftrs(.key, ...)



Key passed to the respective dictionary to retrieve the object.


(named list())
Named arguments passed to the constructor, to be set as parameters in the paradox::ParamSet, or to be set as public field. See mlr3misc::dictionary_sugar_get() for more details.


Keys passed to the respective dictionary to retrieve multiple objects.



mut("gauss", sdev = 0.5)
#> mut("gauss")
#> $param_set:
#>                  id lower upper      levels value
#> 1:             sdev    NA    NA               0.5
#> 2: sdev_is_relative    NA    NA  TRUE,FALSE  TRUE
#> 3: truncated_normal    NA    NA  TRUE,FALSE FALSE
#> rec("cmpmaybe", recombinator = rec("swap"), recombinator_not = rec("null", 
#>     n_indivs_in = 2))
#> $param_set:
#>    id lower upper levels value
#> 1:  p    NA    NA          0.5
#> sel("random")
#> $param_set:
#>               id lower upper           levels  value
#> 1: sample_unique    NA    NA global,groups,no groups
#> scl("nondom")
#> $param_set:
#>              id lower upper                               levels        value
#> 1:      epsilon    NA    NA                                                 0
#> 2:        nadir    NA    NA                                                  
#> 3:       jitter    NA    NA                           TRUE,FALSE         TRUE
#> 4: scale_output    NA    NA                           TRUE,FALSE         TRUE
#> 5:     tiebreak    NA    NA crowdingdist,hvcontrib,domcount,none crowdingdist