Mutator that chooses which operation to perform probabilistically. The Mutator wraps two other Mutators given during construction, and both of these operators are run. The ultimate result is sampled from the results of these operations independently for each individuum and component: with probability p (configuration parameter), the result from the Mutator given to the mutator construction argument is used, and with probability p - 1 the one given to mutator_not is used.

Configuration Parameters

This operator has the configuration parameters of the Mutators that it wraps: The configuration parameters of the operator given to the mutator construction argument are prefixed with "cmpmaybe.", the configuration parameters of the operator given to the mutator_not construction argument are prefixed with "cmpmaybe_not.".

Additional configuration parameters:

  • p :: numeric(1)
    Probability per component with which to apply the operator given to the mutator construction argument. Must be set by the user.

Supported Operand Types

Supported Param classes are the set intersection of supported classes of mutator and mutator_not.


This Mutator can be created with the short access form mut() (muts() to get a list), or through the the dictionary dict_mutators in the following way:

# preferred:
mut("cmpmaybe", <mutator> [, <mutator_not>])
muts("cmpmaybe", <mutator> [, <mutator_not>])  # takes vector IDs, returns list of Mutators

# long form:
dict_mutators$get("cmpmaybe", <mutator> [, <mutator_not>])

Super classes

miesmuschel::MiesOperator -> miesmuschel::Mutator -> MutatorCmpMaybe

Active bindings


Mutator being wrapped. This operator gets run with probability p (configuration parameter).


Alternative Mutator being wrapped. This operator gets run with probability 1 - p (configuration parameter).


Inherited methods

Method new()

Initialize the MutatorCmpMaybe object.


MutatorCmpMaybe$new(mutator, mutator_not = MutatorNull$new())



Mutator to wrap. Component-wise results of this operator are used with probability p (Configuration parameter).
The constructed object gets a clone of this argument. The $mutator field will reflect this value.


Another Mutator to wrap. Results from this operator are used when mutator is not chosen. By default, this is MutatorNull, i.e. no operation.
With this default, the MutatorCmpMaybe object applies the mutator operation with probability p, and no operation at all otherwise.
The constructed object gets a clone of this argument. The $mutator_not field will reflect this value.

Method prime()

See MiesOperator method. Primes both this operator, as well as the wrapped operators given to mutator and mutator_not during construction.





Passed to MiesOperator$prime().


invisible self.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


MutatorCmpMaybe$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


mcm = mut("cmpmaybe", mut("gauss", sdev = 5), p = 0.5)
p = ps(x = p_int(-5, 5), y = p_dbl(-5, 5))
data = data.frame(x = rep(0, 5), y = rep(0, 5))

#>    x  y
#> 1  0  5
#> 2 -5  5
#> 3  0 -5
#> 4  5  0
#> 5  5 -5

mcm$param_set$values$p = 0.2
#>    x          y
#> 1  0 -0.8095132
#> 2  0  0.0000000
#> 3  0  0.0000000
#> 4  0  0.0000000
#> 5 -5  0.0000000

mcm2 = mut("cmpmaybe",
  mutator = mut("gauss", sdev = 0.01),
  mutator_not = mut("gauss", sdev = 10),
  p = 0.5

#>    x            y
#> 1 -5 -0.010278773
#> 2  0 -0.005380504
#> 3  0 -0.041499456
#> 4  5  5.000000000
#> 5 -5  5.000000000