In this exercise, the task is to play around with the settings for the optimization of a neural network. We start by generating some (highly non-linear) synthetic data using the mlbench package.
The code to compare different optimizer configurations is provided via the compare_configs() function, which you can copy paste.
Implementation of compare_configs
library(ggplot2)compare_configs <-function(epochs =30, batch_size =16, lr =0.01, weight_decay =0.01, beta1 =0.9, beta2 =0.999) {# Identify which parameter is a list args <-list(batch_size = batch_size, lr = lr, weight_decay = weight_decay, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2) is_list <-sapply(args, is.list)if (sum(is_list) !=1) {stop("One of the arguments must be a list") } list_arg_name <-names(args)[is_list] list_args <- args[[list_arg_name]] other_args <- args[!is_list]# Run train_valid for each value in the list results <-lapply(list_args, function(arg) { network <-with_torch_manual_seed(seed =123, nn_mlp()) other_args[[list_arg_name]] <- argtrain_valid(network, ds_train = ds_train, ds_valid = ds_valid, epochs = epochs, batch_size = other_args$batch_size,lr = other_args$lr, betas =c(other_args$beta1, other_args$beta2), weight_decay = other_args$weight_decay) })# Combine results into a single data frame combined_results <, lapply(seq_along(results), function(i) { df <- results[[i]] df$config <-paste(list_arg_name, "=", list_args[[i]]) df })) upper <-if (max(combined_results$valid_loss) >10) quantile(combined_results$valid_loss, 0.98) elsemax(combined_results$valid_loss)ggplot(combined_results, aes(x = epoch, y = valid_loss, color = config)) +geom_line() +theme_minimal() +labs(x ="Epoch", y ="Validation RMSE", color ="Configuration") +ylim(min(combined_results$valid_loss), upper)}train_loop <-function(network, dl_train, opt) { network$train() coro::loop(for (batch in dl_train) { opt$zero_grad() Y_pred <-network(batch[[1]]) loss <-nnf_mse_loss(Y_pred, batch[[2]]) loss$backward() opt$step() })}valid_loop <-function(network, dl_valid) { network$eval() valid_loss <-c() coro::loop(for (batch in dl_valid) { Y_pred <-with_no_grad(network(batch[[1]])) loss <-sqrt(nnf_mse_loss(Y_pred, batch[[2]])) valid_loss <-c(valid_loss, loss$item()) })mean(valid_loss)}train_valid <-function(network, ds_train, ds_valid, epochs, batch_size, ...) { opt <-optim_ignite_adamw(network$parameters, ...) train_losses <-numeric(epochs) valid_losses <-numeric(epochs) dl_train <-dataloader(ds_train, batch_size = batch_size) dl_valid <-dataloader(ds_valid, batch_size = batch_size)for (epoch inseq_len(epochs)) {train_loop(network, dl_train, opt) valid_losses[epoch] <-valid_loop(network, dl_valid) }data.frame(epoch =seq_len(epochs), valid_loss = valid_losses)}
It takes as arguments:
epochs: The number of epochs to train for. Defaults to 30.
batch_size: The batch size to use for training. Defaults to 16.
lr: The learning rate to use for training. Defaults to 0.01.
weight_decay: The weight decay to use for training. Defaults to 0.01.
beta1: The momentum parameter to use for training. Defaults to 0.9.
beta2: The adaptive step size parameter to use for training. Defaults to 0.999.
You can, e.g., call the function like below:
compare_configs(epochs =30, lr =list(0.1, 0.2), weight_decay =0.02)
One of the arguments (except for epochs) must be a list of values. The function will then run the same training configuration for each of the values in the list and visualize the results.
Explore a few hyperparameter settings and make some observations as to how they affect the trajectory of the validation loss. The purpose of this exercise is not to derive observations that hold in general.
Question 2: Optimization with Momentum
In this exercise, you will build a gradient descent optimizer with momentum. As a use case, we will minimize the Rosenbrock function. The function is defined as:
The ‘parameters’ we will be optimizing is the position of a point (x, y), which will both be updated using gradient descent. The figure below shows the Rosenbrock function, where darker values indicate lower values.
The task is to implement the optim_step() function.
optim_step <-function(x, y, lr, x_momentum, y_momentum, beta) { ...}
It will receive as arguments, the current values x and y, as well as the momentum values x_momentum and y_momentum (all scalar tensors). The function should then:
Perform a forward pass.
Calculate the gradients.
Update the momentum values in-place.
Update the parameters in=-place.
To perform in-place updates, you can use the $mul_() and $add_() methods.
To test your optimizer, you can use the code below. Note that you might have to play around with the number of steps and the learning rate to get a good result.
Code to test your optimizer
optimize_rosenbrock <-function(steps, lr, beta) { x <-torch_tensor(-1, requires_grad =TRUE) y <-torch_tensor(2, requires_grad =TRUE) momentum_x <-torch_tensor(0) momentum_y <-torch_tensor(0) trajectory <-data.frame(x =numeric(steps +1),y =numeric(steps +1),value =numeric(steps +1) )for (step inseq_len(steps)){optim_step(x, y, lr, momentum_x, momentum_y, beta) x$grad$zero_() y$grad$zero_() trajectory$x[step] <- x$item() trajectory$y[step] <- y$item() } trajectory$x[steps +1] <- x$item() trajectory$y[steps +1] <- y$item()plot_rosenbrock() +geom_path(data = trajectory, aes(x = x, y = y, z =NULL), color ="red") +labs(title ="Optimization Path on Rosenbrock Function", x ="X-axis", y ="Y-axis")}
Question 3: Weight Decay
In exercise 2, we have optimized the Rosenbrock function. Does it make sense to also use weight decay for this optimization?