Setup Guide

In order to be able to successfully run the notebooks and solve the exercises, make sure that you have the right environment set up.

R Version

These notebooks were developed using R 4.4.2, so ideally you should use the same version. You can check your current R version by running R --version in your terminal. If you have the same R version, you can skip the rest of this section.

A convenient way to simultaneously maintain different versions of R and to easily switch between them is to use rig, the R installation manager. It’s documentation contains instructions on how to install it on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

After having installed rig, you can install R 4.4.2 and make it the default by running the following command in your terminal:

rig add 4.4.2
rig default 4.4.2

Verify that the R version is 4.4.2 by running R --version in your terminal.


For managing libraries, we use the renv package. If you don’t have renv installed, you can install it by running the following command:


Next, initialize the renv environment by running the following command:


Finally, restore the renv environment by running the following command. This might take some time as it downloads all the required libraries.


To be able to use the torch package, you need to also run this additional command:


If this completes successfully, you are ready to go! 🚀

To optionally check whether you have GPU support installed (this is not necessary for the exercises), run the following command:
