<TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5): Iris Flowers
* Target: Species
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (4):
- dbl (4): Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width
Why Use mlr3torch
is a package that extends the mlr3
framework with deep learning capabilities, allowing the application of deep learning techniques to both tabular and non-tabular data. The package implements many routines common in deep learning and allows users to focus on the actual problem at hand. Some advantages of using mlr3torch
over ‘only’ torch
Less Code: Avoid writing repetitive boilerplate code by utilizing predefined network architectures or easily building custom ones tailored to your specific needs.
mlr3 Integration: Especially for users with experience in the mlr3
framework, working with mlr3torch
should feel familiar. Due to the integration into the mlr3
framework, many mlr3
features like hyperparameter tuning and resampling are readily available for mlr3torch
mlr3pipelines Integration: mlr3torch
allows to represent neural architectures as mlr3pipelines::Graph
objects, offering a unified language for preprocessing and building neural networks.
However, as mlr3torch
is a framework, it is less flexible than torch
itself, so knowing both is recommended. Another helpful R package that provides many useful functions to train neural networks is luz
RecapBefore diving into mlr3torch
, we will briefly review the core building blocks of the mlr3
machine learning framework. For reference, we recommend the mlr3 book that explains the mlr3
framework in more detail. Additionally, the mlr3 website contains more tutorials and overviews.
A task is a machine learning problem on a dataset. It consists of the data itself and some metadata such as the features or the target variable. To create an example task that comes with mlr3
, we can use the tsk()
<TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5): Iris Flowers
* Target: Species
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (4):
- dbl (4): Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width
To create a custom Task
from a data.frame
, we can use the as_task_<type>
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
<TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5)
* Target: Species
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (4):
- dbl (4): Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width
To get the help page for an mlr3
object, you can call tsk_iris$help()
You can access the data of a task using the $data()
method, which accepts arguments rows
and cols
to select specific rows and columns.
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
<num> <num>
1: 5.1 3.5
2: 4.9 3.0
3: 4.7 3.2
4: 4.6 3.1
5: 5.0 3.6
Using the mlr3viz
extension, we can get an overview of the target distribution:
A learner is a machine learning algorithm that can be $train()
ed on a Task
and be used to make $predict()
ions on it. An overview of all learners is shown on our website. We can construct one by passing the identifier of the learner to the lrn()
Next, we need to split the data into a training and test set and apply the learner on the former.
The trained model can be accessed via the $model
slot of the learner:
n= 120
node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
* denotes terminal node
1) root 120 75 virginica (0.33333333 0.29166667 0.37500000)
2) Petal.Length< 2.45 40 0 setosa (1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000) *
3) Petal.Length>=2.45 80 35 virginica (0.00000000 0.43750000 0.56250000)
6) Petal.Length< 4.75 32 1 versicolor (0.00000000 0.96875000 0.03125000) *
7) Petal.Length>=4.75 48 4 virginica (0.00000000 0.08333333 0.91666667) *
To make predictions on the test set, we can use the $predict()
method of the learner:
To make predictions on data.frame
s, we can use the $predict_newdata()
method of the learner:
To assess the quality of the predictions, we can use a Measure
. mlr3
comes with many predefined measures, and we can construct them by passing the name of the measure to the msr()
function. Below, we construct the mean classification accuracy measure – which can only be applied to classification tasks – and use it to evaluate the predictions.
For more elaborate evaluation strategies, we can use rsmp()
to define a Resampling
strategy that can be executed using resample()
Hyperparameter tuning is an essential process in machine learning to optimize the performance of models by selecting the best combination of hyperparameters. In the mlr3
framework, hyperparameter tuning is facilitated by the mlr3tuning
We will now demonstrate how to tune the hyperparameters of the classif.rpart
Define the Search Space: Specify the range and distribution of hyperparameters to explore.
Choose a Resampling Strategy: Determine how to evaluate each hyperparameter configuration’s performance.
Select a Tuner: Decide on the algorithm that will search through the hyperparameter space.
Select a Measure: Define the metric to optimize during tuning.
Execute Tuning: Run the tuning process to find the optimal hyperparameters. Here we also specify our budget of 10 evaluations.
Apply the Best Hyperparameters: Update the learner with the best-found hyperparameters and retrain the model.
Question 1: Estimating the performance of a tuned model:
Through the tuning archive, we can access the performance of the best-found hyperparameter configuration.
Do you think this is a good estimate for the performance of the final model? Explain your answer.
These two steps can also be encapsulated in the AutoTuner
class, which first finds the best hyperparameters and then trains the model with them.
The AutoTuner
can be used just like any other Learner
. To get a valid performance estimate of the tuning process, we can resample()
it on the task. This is called nested resampling: the outer resampling is for evaluation and the inner resampling is for tuning.
In many cases, we don’t only fit a single learner but a whole learning pipeline. Common use cases include the preprocessing of the data, e.g., for imputing missing values, scaling the data, or encoding categorical features, but many other operations are possible. The mlr3
extension mlr3pipelines
is a toolbox for defining such learning pipelines. Its core building block is the PipeOp
that can be constructed using the po()
Just like a learner, it has a $train()
and $predict()
method, and we can apply it to a Task
using these methods.
<TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5)
* Target: Species
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (4):
- dbl (4): PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4
<TaskClassif:iris> (150 x 5)
* Target: Species
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (4):
- dbl (4): PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4
Usually, such PipeOp
s are combined with a Learner
into a full learning Graph
. This is possible using the %>>%
chain operator.
Graph with 2 PipeOps:
ID State sccssors prdcssors
<char> <char> <char> <char>
pca <<UNTRAINED>> classif.rpart
classif.rpart <<UNTRAINED>> pca
The resulting Graph
can be converted back into a Learner
using the as_learner()
function and used just like any other Learner
builds upon the same components as mlr3
, only that we use Deep Learner
s, and can also work on non-tabular data. A simple example learner is the lrn("classif.mlp")
learner, which is a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) for classification tasks.
This MLP can be used just like the classification tree above.
The trained nn_module
can be accessed via the $model
slot of the learner:
An `nn_module` containing 2,953 parameters.
── Modules ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• 0: <nn_linear> #250 parameters
• 1: <nn_relu> #0 parameters
• 2: <nn_dropout> #0 parameters
• 3: <nn_linear> #2,550 parameters
• 4: <nn_relu> #0 parameters
• 5: <nn_dropout> #0 parameters
• 6: <nn_linear> #153 parameters
Besides the trained network, the $model
of the learner also contains the $state_dict()
of the optimizer and other information.
Having trained the neural network on the training set, we can now make predictions on the test set:
predictions <- lrn_mlp$predict(tsk_iris, row_ids = split$test)
Using the benchmarking facilities of mlr3
, we can also easily compare the classification tree with our MLP:
rsmp_cv <- rsmp("cv", folds = 3)
benchmark_grid <- benchmark_grid(
tasks = tsk_iris,
learners = list(lrn_tree, lrn_mlp),
resampling = rsmp_cv
rr_benchmark <- benchmark(benchmark_grid)
results_benchmark <- rr_benchmark$aggregate(msr("classif.acc"))
nr task_id learner_id resampling_id iters classif.acc
<int> <char> <char> <char> <int> <num>
1: 1 iris classif.rpart cv 3 0.9533333
2: 2 iris classif.mlp cv 3 0.6666667
Hidden columns: resample_result
Tracking validation performance is crucial for understanding how well your neural network is learning and to detect issues such as overfitting. In the mlr3
machine learning framework, this can be easily done by specifying the $validate
field of a Learner
. Note that this is not possible for all Learner
s, but only for those with the "validation"
property. This includes boosting algorithms such as XGBoost or CatBoost, and also the mlr3torch
Below, we set the validation ratio to 30% of the training data, specify the measures to record, and set the callbacks of the learner to record the history of the training process.
The $configure()
method of a Learner
allows you to simultaneously set fields and hyperparameters of a learner.
When we now train the learner, 30% of the training data is used for validation, and the loss is recorded in the history of the learner.
After training, the results of the callback can be accessed via the model.
Key: <epoch>
epoch train.classif.logloss valid.classif.logloss
<num> <num> <num>
1: 1 1.391005 1.186262
2: 2 1.418184 1.142519
3: 3 1.185711 1.108973
4: 4 1.391693 1.080590
5: 5 1.200895 1.056801
6: 6 1.172990 1.038634
Additionally, the final validation scores can be accessed via the $internal_valid_scores
field of the learner.
also allows defining custom architectures by assembling special PipeOp
s in a Graph
. As a starting point in the graph, we need to mark the entry of the Neural Network using an ingress pipeop. Because we are working with a task with only one numeric feature, we can use po("torch_ingress_num")
. There also exist inputs for categorical features (po("torch_ingress_cat")
) and generic tensors (po("torch_ingress_ltnsr")
The next steps in the graph are the actual layers of the neural network.
architecture <- po("nn_linear_1", out_features = 100) %>>%
po("nn_relu_1") %>>%
po("nn_linear_2", out_features = 100) %>>%
po("nn_relu_2") %>>%
architecture$plot(horizontal = TRUE)
After specifying the architecture, we need to set the remaining parts for the learner, which are the loss, optimizer, and the remaining training configuration such as the epochs, device, or the batch size.
Just like before, we can convert the graph into a Learner
using as_learner()
and train it on the task:
In the mlr3
ecosystem, the data of a task is always stored in a data.frame
or data.table
. To work with non-tabular data, the mlr3torch
package offers a custom datatype, the lazy_tensor
, which can be stored in a data.table
As an example to showcase this, we can use the CIFAR-10 dataset, which is a dataset of 60,000 32x32 color images in 10 classes, with 6,000 images per class.
<TaskClassif:cifar10> (60000 x 2): CIFAR-10 Classification
* Target: class
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (1):
- lt (1): image
The image below shows some examples from the dataset:
When accessing the data, only the images are represented as lazy_tensor
s, the labels are still stored as a factor column:
class image
<fctr> <lazy_tensor>
1: frog <tnsr[3x32x32]>
2: truck <tnsr[3x32x32]>
3: truck <tnsr[3x32x32]>
4: deer <tnsr[3x32x32]>
5: automobile <tnsr[3x32x32]>
6: automobile <tnsr[3x32x32]>
A lazy_tensor
column is built upon torch::dataset
class that we have seen earlier. This means it does not necessarily store the data in memory, but only stores the information on how to load the data.
[1] <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]>
To access the data as torch_tensor
s, we can call the materialize()
function. We see that the underlying tensors are integer-valued.
To construct the CIFAR-10 task ourselves, we need to first:
that returns the images as torch_tensor
vector that contains the labels.We can access the CIFAR-10 dataset via the torchvision
package. For simplicity, we will only load the training data.
cifar10_original <- torchvision::cifar10_dataset(root = "data/cifar10", train = TRUE, download = TRUE)
image_array <- cifar10_original$x
int [1:50000, 1:32, 1:32, 1:3] 59 154 255 28 170 159 164 28 134 125 ...
The array contains 50,000 images (rows) of shape 32x32x3
. The last dimension contains the channels, i.e., the RGB values of the pixels. We reshape this so the channel dimension is the first dimension, which is the standard format for images in torch
Next, we convert it to doubles in the range [0, 1]
by dividing by 255.
Next, we create a torch::dataset()
that loads individual images as a torch_tensor
. To convert this to a lazy_tensor
later, the $.getitem()
method needs to return a named list.
The above object is not yet a dataset, but a dataset constructor, so we create the actual dataset by calling it with the image array.
We can check that this works correctly by accessing the first image.
To convert this to a lazy_tensor
, we can use the as_lazy_tensor()
function. The only thing we need to specify is the output shapes of the tensors, which we set to c(NA, 3, 32, 32)
. The NA
is used to indicate that the first dimension (batch dimension) can be of any size.
cifar10_lt <- as_lazy_tensor(cifar10, dataset_shapes = list(image = c(NA, 3, 32, 32)))
[1] <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]> <tnsr[3x32x32]>
To check that transformations on images were applied correctly, it can be useful to inspect the images, e.g., using torchvision::tensor_image_browse()
Next, we create the factor
vector that contains the labels. For that, we use the data stored in the original torchvision::cifar10_dataset()
Factor w/ 10 levels "airplane","automobile",..: 7 10 10 5 2 2 3 8 9 4 ...
Next, we create a data.table
that contains the images and labels.
image label
<lazy_tensor> <fctr>
1: <tnsr[3x32x32]> frog
2: <tnsr[3x32x32]> truck
3: <tnsr[3x32x32]> truck
4: <tnsr[3x32x32]> deer
5: <tnsr[3x32x32]> automobile
6: <tnsr[3x32x32]> automobile
This table can now be converted to an mlr3::Task
using the as_task_<type>
<TaskClassif:cifar10> (50000 x 2)
* Target: label
* Properties: multiclass
* Features (1):
- lt (1): image
We will now try to train a simple multi-layer perceptron – the one we have defined above – on the images. One problem that we have is that the images are of shape (3, 32, 32)
, but the nn_linear
layer expects a flat input of size 3072
(\(3 \times 32^2\)).
This is where the lazy_tensor
datatype comes in handy. We can use preprocessing PipeOp
s – in this case po("trafo_reshape")
– to transform the data. Here, the -1
in the shape c(-1, 3072)
indicates that the first dimension (batch dimension) can be of any size.
reshaper <- po("trafo_reshape", shape = c(-1, 3072))
tsk_cifar_flat <- reshaper$train(list(tsk_cifar))[[1L]]
label image
<fctr> <lazy_tensor>
1: frog <tnsr[3072]>
2: truck <tnsr[3072]>
3: truck <tnsr[3072]>
4: deer <tnsr[3072]>
5: automobile <tnsr[3072]>
6: automobile <tnsr[3072]>
This transformation is not applied eagerly, but only when the data is actually loaded.
In this case, as all the images are stored in memory, we could have also applied the transformation directly to the array
representing the images, but decided not to do this for demonstration purposes.
We can now use almost the same graph that we used for the iris dataset for the flattened CIFAR-10 task. The only thing we need to exchange is the ingress operator, as the new task has as data a lazy_tensor
instead of numeric vectors.
Alternatively, we can integrate the flattening step into the graph from which the GraphLearner
was created.
This learner can now be applied directly to the (unflattened) task.
Because neural networks are also just another Learner
, we can seamlessly leverage the functionalities from the mlr3
ecosystem. We can, for example, not only train the learner on a task, but also resample it.
<ResampleResult> with 3 resampling iterations
resampling_id iteration prediction_test warnings errors
cv 1 <PredictionClassif> 0 0
cv 2 <PredictionClassif> 0 0
cv 3 <PredictionClassif> 0 0
Or if we have the computational resources to optimize the hyperparameters of the neural network, we can also use the mlr3tuning
package. Just like earlier, we need to define the tuner, search search space, resampling strategy, tuning measure and our budget. Here, we only tune the latent dimensions of the first two layers and the number of epochs.
In practice, we would not optimizer the number of epochs using offline tuning as shown here, but instead using early stopping, which is significantly more efficient and will be covered later.
We here show a different way of defining the search space than earlier, but could have achieved the same, by setting the respective hyperparameters to to_tune()
Next, we define a simple random search tuner, use 3-fold cross-validation and use the logloss as the tuning measure and set the budget to 30 evaluations.
LearnerWe have seen earlier that torch tensors cannot simply be saved using saveRDS()
. The same also applies to the mlr3torch
learners. To save an mlr3torch
learner, we need to call the $marshal()
method first.
Afterward, we can load the learner again using readRDS()
and then call the $unmarshal()